Teenagers have begun to publicly condemn attention-seeking grandparents who continue to promote glittering lifestyles on social media. Concerned youths fear that the craving for admiration amongst senior citizens is the unconscious denial of an intolerably poor self-image - further intensified through socio-cultural pressures such as priority seating on public transport. Recent findings have now confirmed the traits of narcissistic personality disorder to be most common in pensioners aged 70 and above. Indeed, only in the past 3 months have worried grandchildren witnessed a 600% rise in selfies taken by elderly relatives from UK care homes.
One study, sponsored by the Nuffield Trust, looked at the lifetime prevalence of narcissism and surprisingly discovered that older people are more influenced by public opinion than the younger generations. Superiority, vanity and entitlement are traits commonly found in grandmothers who boast online about the cakes they have prepared for a family gathering. Status anxiety also afflicts senior citizens who feel the need to blog about their enhanced pension annuities.
One teenager commented, "Self-promotion and individuality seem essential to Grandad. On Instagram he regularly shares photos of himself flexing and kissing his biceps above the hashtag #guns. He struggles with empathy too and this manifests itself in his behaviour during Sunday lunch. You just cannot pry him away from his smartphone. I think much of his anxiety stems from a feeling of disconnection. What he really desires is community and a sense of belonging. I tried to explain that he can achieve this by chatting to nan or playing bingo."